Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What do you do??

Once I tell someone that I work at JFS, they will inevitably ask me on of two questions:

Question 1: "Oh! Do you know PersonX?"

To this I always end up saying: " I dont think's a pretty big place..."
They will then be disapointed and walk away.

Question 2: "Oh! Cool! What do you do?"

To this I will attempt to succintcly summarize the obscure machinery and methods which I use to create objects that perhaps 1000 people in the world could recognize as useful.
They will then be disapointed and walk away.

There is also sometimes a third reply.

Question 3: "Oh! You work there? How can you possibly justify that? Do you know how much pollution and health hazards that company has caused?"

I will then be disapointed and walk away.

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